Saturday, February 17, 2007

Got an opinion?

I'm having computer trouble. The hard drive on my 1.5 year old ACER laptop died in Dec/06 and I had to have it replaced (the drive). I complained to the technician who did it for me, how it was ridiculous that a drive would go on such a new computer.
Sounding bored, he explained that the average business computer lasts 1-2 years before it needs to be replaced. I pointed out that this wasn't a business computer, that I used it in my home office. Rolling his eyes, he said, "Lady, any laptop that has a keyboard with 75% of the keys worn off IS a business computer." (Until then, I hadn't noticed how many letters were gone).

Fair enough. But here's the thing: It's two months later and I'm having trouble again, so I'm considering buying a new laptop. I've never owned a MAC, but a few people have told me I should get one. And yet, buying one feels like I'm switching religions or something. As a writer, I don't need much. Internet access, Microsoft Word, and I'm good to go.

What's your opinion? What do you use?


Brenda Oig said...

Buy a Mac, you won't regret it. :) I sent you an email telling you about my experiences.

Katie Alender said...

I have a Mac, and I love it. A lot of the backlash against them is due either to the commercials or to the reputation of the old operating system. I was anti-Mac for a long time, primarily because I felt like the ultra-user-friendly interface tied my hands in terms of what tweaks I could make, ways I could get at things to fix them, etc. But the fact is, it's super fun to have a computer where you don't need to know how to do all the underground stuff, because anything you need is right on the surface.

It's a graceful, seamless interface that makes tons of sense. I think Vista must be way better than Windows XP, but I know that when I try to do things on PCs, I get confused because nothing is where it should be. And yeah, I could be hardcore and find out, but why should I spend the mental energy on that? I honestly can't think of a reason to go back to PC.

I will say, at the risk of being flamed, that I don't understand people who portray PC use as somehow more hardcore computing. Windows, Mac OS, not hardcore. Linux, hardcore.

Zany Mom said...

I have a PC only because ex-H was a PC programmer, builder, etc. So I got used to it.

Brother has a Mac and would never change.

I'm neither pro nor con. If it's a computer and it works, I'm on it!


Kimber Li said...

Me dunno. I know how to turn it on, write novels on it, and surf the Web. When it acts funny, I call for my husband, point at it and say, "Make it work, Dearest." And he does. I think this was all in the fine print on our marriage certificate.

millhousethecat said...

My husband is a computer nerd and swears by the Mac. I've never had a single problem with my little laptop.

Plus, it looks cute! (I'm such a girl.)

Therese said...

Though I do believe in all the Mac raves, I went for the more economic option. My usage is pretty much identical to yours, and I'm all set with a Dell Inspiron 1505.

It's my second Dell laptop. It's small, it's *silent*, and it works!

Heidi the Hick said...

Ok, I don't usually blog on weekends, but my kid is having his computer time in the office and the other kid is at her friends, so here I am Holly, to spew my opinion...please get comfy...

Up until Oct 05 I HATED COMPUTERS with a vicious passion usually reserved for snakes and math tests. My husband insisted on buying me this little black laptop. He's in the music biz, which is totally run my Mac, and finally switched his home computer. He wanted me to get writing again. (God bless him.) I resisted but he got it anyways. It is a 2000 model, cost him $350 used, and I LOVE IT. I'm not kidding that it changed my life. I write every day. I blog. I have done two family newsletters for Christmas with pictures and captions. Oh, and I WRITE EVERY DAY now. (Except weekends to clear my brain.)

Apparently, if this one needs an upgrade, the Mac OSX can be installed on it. I won't have to buy a whole new thing.

My keys are starting to wear off too...and the keyboard has two kinds of animal hair in it...but otherwise it works great.

Now, the thing is, I don't have Microsoft word. I have Pages. I do like Pages but I'm still learning all about it. It's a very big program but it is different from Word. It looks like the rest of the writing world uses Word and I really don't know if that's a problem or not, or if Mac users can get Word. Microsoft Office can now run on Mac, I hear.

I don't know if that's a deal breaker for you, but I dig my Mac so much that I refuse to go back to Windows ever ever ever again.

Whew! Sorry for taking up so much room on your blog...

Anonymous said...


I have a Compaq Presario, and I absolutely love it!

Be careful when you buy certain brands, because once you do, you are married to that brand for every little thing you have to buy for your computer. (be it a laptop or a PC.)

Melissa Amateis said...

I've heard lots of good things about Macs. I've never had one, though. I've always used a PC. Maybe someday I'll venture into the Mac world...

ORION said...


Spilling Ink said...

I have a Dell Inspiron 1200. It's a piece of junk. The best computer I've ever had was an IBM Thinkpad. It lasted for years without giving me a lot of guff. I'm considering buying a new one.

Bernita said...

Keys worn off?
Happened to my keyboard within a month - in spite of clear fingernail polish.

ORION said...

I think the reason the keys don't wear off on a mac is that they are different - I am comparing my husband's new Dell laptop with my mac Powerbook G4 laptop. His keys have the letters printed on and
my keys are kind of cut outs in the pad and when it is dark light shines through them so I can see them - each letter lights up.
I like this as I sometimes write late at night and I don't want to keep all the lights on so I have really dim light but my key pad letters etc. shine.

Wendy Roberts said...

Kimber, can I borrow your husband sometimes?

I would love to try a Mac because I need to make a laptop decision. I'm afraid to venture into the world of Mac. Maybe one day ...

Holly Kennedy said...

Thanks so much for your comments everyone. I'm not sure what I'll end up doing, but I'll certainly take all this input into consideration when I do buy something new next month.

Spy Scribbler said...

Oh! Macs are pretty. They look so sleek and thin. I played with the Word on Mac a month ago, and there was something really, REALLY cool about it. (Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was that made me squeal in the store!)

But I have PCs. I keep hearing stories about how certain web pages don't show up well and how this game or that game runs slow (even though I haven't had time to play a game in two years, LOL) and ... I'm a little frightened of trying something new.

Whatever you try, will you tell us all about it? New computers are THE coolest!

Adrienne said...

I love my mac. Join us. . . join us . . .