all I've heard since arriving is "When are you getting up?"
Click, Click, Click, Click.
I swear I'm gonna smash her camera!
By the way, I was a tad surprised by her "boat". I'm not a boat person in any way, shape, or form, but like many of you, I was under the impression ORION was this edgy little yacht from all the photos I'd seen. Not. Check out my photo if you want to see what it really looks like. Oh, and all those people floating around it in kayaks? Those are 'Lottery fans' and they're 100% annoying. All they do is circle the boat calling out for Pat, begging for her autograph, tossing copies of Lottery up onto the deck. I've picked up half a dozen since I got up this morning...
Pat's painted since I was there...
That's EXACTLY how I pictured your friend Pat's boat. But then again I am a pirate sort of guy down here in Texas.
Holly want a cracker? A gun? Good luck, my friend. Good luck.
Hahahaha...if you see a guy who kind of looks like an octopus, run.
18 hours???
I can see how Pat's gonna hafta pay for those pics... LOL
Now that is one very cool boat!
Just be careful if Pat asks you to take a nice peaceful stroll down the ol' plank.
Who ELSE is on that boat? heheheheeee
Wicked boat (tee-hee)
Toss a few water balloons
at those pesky kayakers!
Mindy -- Actually, she was hoping I'd help her paint the boat when I got her. So not gonna happen...
Wordman17 -- If you think the outside is cool, you should see the saloon and galley. Tie down that laptop, girl!!!
Kim -- A gun! What a good idea :)
Melissa -- No Octopus yet, but I did hyperventilate over a big puffer fish yesterday!
Zany -- Honestly? I hid the damned camera. No joke. Unless Gordon has one, she's now screwed.
Anti-wife -- Hey! I CANNOT believe you got us each a dragon fly pillow. I had to pry mine away from Pat, who keeps taking it away and putting it in her bedroom. Go figure. Hogger.
Travis -- She tried last night. No joke. "Holly, come up here and check out the bow of the boat. Move forward a bit more..."
Heidi -- I can't lie. Johnny's here! Sitting right next to me. And he is dee-lish-ious :)
Kyla-Dale -- Water balloons!
Great idea.
Is that really ORION??? Like you, Holly, from Pat's pictures I always imagined something smaller. Gee, perhaps her camera is "magical" in what it can capture? Be wary. ;)
Okay, totally lost, here. I see that's a boat, but what's its story, again? Is this her form of a houseboat? And you're not serious about the kayakers, are you?
(PS: But it is a really awesome boat!)
You and Pat have fun with Johnny. I can't wait to see what kind of novel you all come up with!
Heee-- nice picture!
Not exactly a rowboat, huh?
Geez--that is a ship, not a boat! Is Johnny Depp on deck?
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