This video clip, taken yesterday when I wasn't around, is a good example. High end cinematography it's not, but worse yet, check out the bike jump they put together with Rubbermaid containers and such, and then listen to my youngest, who immediately thinks of me when it all falls apart.
My 10 year old wasn't hurt and not much else happened to interrupt my writing weekend other than our kitchen faucet snapping off -- think lots of shooting water here -- and our dog getting skunked, but how to deal with 165 pound skunked dog is a whole other post for another day, and I'm not even ready
to THINK about the stupid kitchen faucet now that the hole
has been duct taped over. I just couldn't pass up sharing this video with everyone!
As one of my friends likes to say, "OH MYLANTA!!!" I'm so glad he wasn't hurt, but that was definitely something a bunch of boys would come up with!
My dog got "skunked" once, and he's a little over 100 pounds, so I know what you're going through. We had to use tomato juice to get the smell off and even that didn't work as well as I'd hoped.
Big smile. That bike jump
looks fine to me. It's quite
close to one I myself built
as a 15 year old, only mine
worked well.
Sounds like your kids and your hubby have a blast together!
Yep, sounds like something my son would do, either with his BMX bike or his skateboard...
My head is still swirling over the video and then there's the creativity of the bike jump! Seems better to be behind closed doors, Holly. *G*
I hope they rebuilt that sucker and tried again.
I'm sorry, I couldn't get the video to work...but I have a whole bike course/ jump/ giant crater situation in my backyard. I sympathize with whatever disaster happened this weekend!
Moms are nail biters and dads are boys at heart. It's best you weren't there to watch. But for me, it was the giggling that was the best part. Very infectious!
This is really hilarious.
Think of the damage they could do on a boat!
LOL! That looks like a daily occurence around my house with 4 kids (3 boys). When my hubby is around they actually believe things put together with glue, rubber bands and wood will hold their weight ha ha. It's always best to see the videos after you realize there were no broken bones :)
Ha!!! Imagine what you'd see
if you had little spycam cameras set up around your house and yard.
Men are such kids and your boys are sure lucky to be able to laugh like that with your hubby.
I am a single mother of one boy, one girl and my heart breaks when I think of all they are each missing without a dad.
Boy, when the cat's away....they are fearless...too funny...
Ah, there's nothing like video evidence!
So when you are writing inside your house (I assume) these guys come clumping in and out of the house giggling like that?! OMG!!!
How do you ever get anything written? I need pin-drop silence to write or my nerves start jumping out of my skin.
You snapped off your faucet? Now is that weird or what?
Cool bike jump, but I think it's the skunked dog that made my mouth fall open.
Holy CRAP Batman! HOw would you deal with bathing a dog that big?????
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