Thursday, January 1, 2009

Whoop! 2009 is finally here

A fresh start. Time to kick away the stool and take some risks. Time to focus on what's ahead vs. the puddles we may have had to jump in 2008. If you're a reader, I hope you're in the middle of a gem of a book you didn't see coming. If you're a writer, I hope the characters you dream up this year make your WIP stand out from the masses. And for everyone else, I hope 2009 is a year you'll never forget, in the best possible way.


Victoria said...

Big smile to you from my corner of the planet. Does first commenter get extra doses of good luck in 2009?! I think it should be a blogger rule.

Anonymous said...

May the new year bring nothing but good things for you and your family. I love your books, all of them, and cannot wait to read another one soon.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Holly, best to you in 09 also. Lots of writing and agent-finding to be done. :)

Unknown said...

Holly, all the best to you and your family in 2009. I know I could use all the luck I can. I sure hope 09 is better than 08.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Ms. K.
Lots of reading to do at my end.

Adam said...

Good luck with your
writing this year.

Spy Scribbler said...

Happy New Year, Holly! I hope it's an awesome year!

larramiefg said...

To all your dreams!

Giselle said...

Very creatiive post