Of course, this would create a chain reaction of sales, which would kill any need for co-op placement (or friends and family covertly moving your novel to the 'Hot Fiction' table all over the country). Wasn't something like this done years ago in movie theaters, by the way? Where they flashed 'buy popcorn' messages at lightning-like speed between the previews?
Or was that just an urban legend?
Okay, then. I'm off to work on manuscript revisions. Here. Watch me roll up my sleeves, toddle out onto the diving board, and take a leap into all of those pages spread out neck-deep around my office. As my editor and agent always say, there
are no short cuts and nothing works better than a sound
story and strong writing.
About that picture--I swear, that's what revisions feel like. You see what you meant, and you can't see what you wrote for what you meant!
Good luck!
I'd like to complete a solid first draft. You know, 400 pages without telling myself it's garbage at page 75 or 100 and starting something ELSE. The mind often sabotages!!!
(Nifty photo, btw)
But it's not "sadly" about your editor and agent reminding you of these things--look on the "cup-half-full" side of things--you've got the agent, you've got the editors! They've got your back!!
: )
Thanks for stopping by Manic Mom's and also for the official stickers for Pat's book!
Spyscribbler -- Thanks for popping by. How are things at your end these days?
Wordman17 -- Head down. Hands on keyboard. Butt in chair. Don't MOVE until you've got at least 300 pages. You CAN do it!
Manic Mom -- Where's my head!!??
I took out SADLY and touched up my last paragraph. You're absolutely right. Obviously, I've had too much sun up here in Canada :)
That's one interesting little chart.
And can I borrow your family! Much better trained than mine. Let my lot lose in a bookstore and they all wander off to the pig hunting magazine section!
"...a sound story and strong writing" AND subliminal reader messages. Eureka! I've got it!
Pat insists the secret is chocolate.
There's more?
(BTW Holly ~ I just finished The Penny Tree ~ Loved It!)
That chart is interesting!
I don't know how you manage
to write at all with two kids hanging around and a husband and pets. Revising? That should be a cake walk, shouldn't it? Tee-hee. This said from an unpublished *admiring* wannabe :-)
I am so looking forward to revisions.
Today I am 2K closer...but I think the end just moved away by 10...
Ah Holly.
I sit at your knee and absorb your wiseness.
You are.
The master.
I need your husband's work number.
I'm going to leave him a few messages about bodily functions...
GOD BLESS! Hope your dragonfly is handy. I might finally consider a tattoo - put that darn fly right on my body as I revise. Good luck, Holly.
Oh a TATTOO!!!!
Good idea!!!
Okay...I'm dancing around Revision #6 this week. I blame the kids for my procrastination. I really have to just get off my butt and do it. greenblueredgreenblueredblueredgreenblue....
LOL, thanks for asking! Same as always. The DH is going on a two month work trip, (boo-hoo), but I'm off to the RWA conference.
I've been following your travels and latest excitements, though!
Dawn -- thanks for stopping by! My family isn't always that well behaved. Only when threatened :)
Therese -- so how does it feel now that you've gone from 'writer' to 'author'? A whole different playground, huh?
Ladybronco -- You're such a sweetie. Thanks for buying a copy and reading it. I appreciate the support! :)
Kyla-dale -- Actually, both are hard for me, the writing and the revising, but very rewarding when it's all done.
Seeley -- I hope all is going well for you in Winnipeg. Keep pushing and the manuscript will eventually be ready to go. You'll do it!
ORION and Kim -- Those dragonflies are becoming cult-like, huh? I got a cake baked from Kim and emailed to me today. Talk about good luck wishes!! :)
Heidi -- I often circle my work for a bit before I decide how to attack it. It's a good thing, trust me. Your mind is hard at work percolating on a whole other level.
Spyscribbler -- Have fun at RWA. My editor is going as well.
Kick back and have a blast!
Oh boy. I'm neck-deep in revisions right now (have I been saying that for the past month? Dunno. Time is slowly being swallowed up by endless trips to the hospital).
I think I'm overwhelming myself with the process instead of relaxing and enjoying myself.
hmmm...circle the work for awhile and then attack it...
...mind is percolating...getting ready to get back to work...
...this is good...
My left brain must be in high gear! I just nailed the chart. Then again, I have been editing all morning. Staring at words.
Good luck!
Your chart sprained my brain. I actually heard something snap between my ears.
You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
If I only had a brain to sprain! You're so lucky Mindy!
Keep working Holly. You're inspiring us wannabes!
Melissa -- I hope you're husband is doing much better now.
Heidi -- Thanks again for the shout out on your blog re: The Tin Box and The Penny Tree!!!
Anissa -- Now every time I type your name I think of my character named after you in book 3 -- too funny...
Mindy -- I've met you, so you don't scare me, girl. Bring that lawyer on :)
Anti-wife -- Keep in mind that all wannabes are gonnabes soon (new mantra for yah)
A gonnabe! I like it! I'll practice my new mantra when I'm out singing with the coyotes with Mindy.
By the way, I now have a red door to go with my green house!
Well, then I'm glad you like the character! ;)
Otherwise you'd be chasing me off before too long.
Can't wait to meet the little gal. :)
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